Vendor terms and conditions

OPENING HOURS: By accepting the Vendor terms and conditions, you agree to keep your sales point open according to the common opening hours of the event. Tuomaan Markkinat are open 29.11.-22.12.2024 on weekdays sunday to thursday at 11-19 and on weekdays friday and saturday at 11-20. The Vendor undertakes that the sales point will be in sales condition on the opening day no later than one hour before the opening time of the event and will remain open until the end of the event.

TRANSFER OF THE CONCESSION: The concession acquired for a stall at Tuomaan Markkinat event may not be transferred to another entrepreneur. If the goods sell out, please contact the event organiser.

The sales point may be shared with another vendor if desired, but agreement on the sales point is made with one party only and invoicing is to one invoicing address only. Sales at the sales point may only be carried out by the operators indicated by the Vendor at the application stage. In this case, the vendor in a contractual relationship shall be responsible for the actions of the other vendor in the same way as for its own and shall ensure that the other vendor commits to the Foundation’s terms and conditions. Subletting of the sales point is not permitted. 

RANGE OF PRODUCTS: The Vendor undertakes to sell at the event the products indicated in the application. The sale of non-conforming products may be prohibited immediately. If the products sold differ significantly from the products listed in the application, the Vendor has until the next sales day to review its range of products to bring it into line with the application, otherwise the Foundation will be entitled to replace the Vendor with a substitute operator.

PERMITS AND NOTICES: The Vendor shall ascertain in advance the obligations related to its sales activities (e.g. tax, employer, environmental and health authorities).

The event organiser shall submit to the City of Helsinki’s food control authorities a list of operators selling foodstuffs. The Vendor is responsible for independently dealing with all notices and permits related to the sale of foodstuffs. A health inspector will visit the event regularly. Read instructions on food sales here.

INSURANCE: The event’s own insurance does not cover damage caused to the Vendor’s own vehicle, vessel, movables or property left at the sales point. The Foundation recommends not leaving a cash float or any other easily accessible valuable or property at the sales point even though the area is monitored 24/7. The Vendor shall be responsible for locking their own sales point.

VEHICLES IN THE EVENT AREA: In order to avoid dangerous situations, the presence of vehicles in the event area is not allowed outside loading hours. The event area also includes the surrounding street areas and pavements. Vehicles must be removed from the area no later than 30 minutes before the event opens and loading can begin no earlier than 30 minutes after the event has closed, when the area is clear of customers. Parking the vehicle in the area for longer than loading is not permitted.

MEANS OF PAYMENT: By accepting the vendor terms and conditions, you agree to provide at least one electronic payment method to event customers. Cash payment is still an acceptable way to trade, but customers must have the option to pay for their purchase either by card or phone.

TASTING AND SERVING TABLEWARE: We make every effort to avoid mixed waste, and tasting and serving tableware for food and beverage products intended for immediate consumption must be compostable. The public waste containers located in the event area are mixed and biowaste containers. If necessary, the Foundation will also arrange collection containers for return bottles from the event area.

RESPONSIBILITY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The Foundation promotes all responsibility aspects of the event. The event uses the EcoCompass environmental management system and a carbon footprint calculator. The event’s environmental programme also requires vendors participating in the event to address minimising mixed waste, preventing food loss and sorting waste, for which the event offers good opportunities in the service area in the event area. Vendors are provided with detailed sorting instructions in advance for planning. In addition, the sorting adviser will guide you in sorting on construction and dismantling days. The event avoids the generation of plastic waste, which is why products may not be served in plastic containers or packed in plastic bags (e.g. paper bags must be used for packaging), unless the quality of the product so requires, for example for hygiene reasons.

All event operators are encouraged to use efficient logistics, transport only full loads to the area and avoid idling vehicles. The aim is also to reduce the event’s electricity consumption through economical electrical design, and vendors are required to utilise as energy-efficient equipment and implementation methods as possible in their own operations, such as infrared radiators instead of tent radiators if necessary.

The event is non-discriminatory and inappropriate behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated. The Foundation requires all staff, event vendors, partners and subcontractors to commit to the principles of equality, fairness and non-discrimination. 

Vendors shall comply with the health security instructions and measures provided at the event.

CARBON FOOTPRINT CALCULATION: The Vendor undertakes to provide the Foundation with the information required for calculating the carbon footprint immediately after the event. The data is stored on a template determined by the Foundation. More detailed instructions will be provided nearer to the event.

DECORATION AND CLEANLINESS OF THE SALES POINT: No large products, signs, or other accessories that customers may trip over may be placed in front of or next to the sales point. If the sales point is a stall or a similar structure provided by the Foundation, the Vendor may not attach advertisements, logos, banners, plastics, tarpaulins or fabrics to the external surfaces of the structure without the Foundation’s separate written permission. The Vendor must take good care of the structure and, at the end of the event, remove all staples, nails and other fastening devices attached to it and take all waste to the designated places for it.

LIABILITY FOR STRUCTURES, FURNITURE AND ROOFING SUPPLIED BY THE FOUNDATION: The Foundation shall have the right to invoice the Vendor for repairing damage caused to the structure supplied by the Foundation. All fastenings, staples and nails made to the structure during the event must be removed from the structure at the end of the event. Fastenings may be made to wall structures inside the structure. A cleaning charge will be payable for waste and movables left at the stall after dismantling.

By 14.6.2024: The Vendor agreement must be signed / the sales point may be cancelled free of charge.
June 2024: Due date of the booking fee for the sales point.
31.10.2024: Due date of the final invoice and additional service invoice for the sales point / date by which the booking may be cancelled at the cost of the booking fee.
The booking fee for the Lahjakuja sales location is about 30% of the price of the sales point.
The booking fee is included in the price of the sales point.
If the booking is cancelled later than 31.10.2024, the booker will be charged the full price (100% fee) of the sales point.
If the event is cancelled by the organiser because of restrictions imposed by the authorities, for example, booking and sales point fees paid will be returned to participants.

Booking cancellations must be made in writing to Failure to pay the invoice is not a sufficient measure to cancel the booking. The organiser will confirm receipt of the cancellation sent by the Vendor by email.