How to stay safe at the Market

Helsinki Christmas Market is taking many different measures to ensure it runs safely. We follow the latest Covid safety guidelines.
The market area on Senate Square has been designed to be even more spacious to make it easier to observe social distancing. We would politely request that the public and vendors refrain from coming to the Market if they are not feeling well and to practise good hand hygiene and coughing etiquette in addition to social distancing. All vendors wear masks or work behind plexiglass screens, and we also encourage guests to wear a mask during their visit to the Market. Hand sanitiser is available in the area, and there are hand washing facilities in the toilets.
We hope that visitors to the Market will take full advantage of its long opening hours and, if possible, arrive at the quietest times, for example on weekdays. There will be no side programme at the Market this year, which would create momentary spikes in visitor numbers, and in the event of congestion, our event staff will guide guests in navigating the area and using the entrance and exit routes.
There are two outdoor restaurant and café areas in the Market, and the table surfaces in these areas have been treated with an antibacterial coating. Guests can also pick up food and drinks to take away. Social distancing is observed in the carousel both during queuing and on the ride itself. The surfaces of the carousel are cleaned regularly and efficiently, and they have also been treated with an antibacterial coating.
Please follow these guidelines when visiting the Market:
1. Do not come to the Market if you are unwell or have symptoms of coronavirus infection.
2. Practise good hand hygiene.
3. Cough and sneeze into your sleeve or handkerchief.
4. Observe social distancing. We recommend that you keep a distance of 1-2 metres from the next person.
5. Wear a mask if possible.
6. Avoid touching products unnecessarily and pay by card instead of cash.
Welcome to safe Christmas shopping!
Photo: Jussi Hellsten